
10th International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the “10th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery” to be held in Ankara, the capital of Turkey on 26-28 April 2012. This Congress is being organized by the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery. Your participation to this congress would give us great honor and happiness.

With this congress, the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, reaching the 47th anniversary of its establishment, is successfully integrating with prominent and esteemed medical doctors of the world at this biennially held meeting. Thus, this traditional meeting held with the participation of about 1000 colleagues, is creating a very important platform of exchange of the latest medical and technological developments happening in our specialty. Thanks to the positive and commendable contributions of especially the medical instrument and drug industries, participants will be finding serious means in the practical implementations along with theoretical information acquired from the scientific programs and also having the opportunity to see the latest technological instrument systems and newly presented drugs at very large exhibition halls.

In our previous meetings, very eminent guests from all over the world that happen to be the authority in their fields have enriched our scientific programs and affected the quality of the meetings positively. I can tell in advance that the tenth meeting will have these highest qualifications as well. In this meeting, young participants, in addition to having the opportunity of expressing themselves in a very appropriate and unrestrained presentation medium, will also have the chance of listening to the very valuable information and wealth of experience of outstanding international experts. In the very rich scientific program, in various halls, panels, round table sessions, conferences, courses, video sessions and e-poster presentations will be held intensively and oral presentations covering all issues of our branch will be organized. Hereby, we are working on to have this meeting credited by the international medical training organizations so that the participants will be able to acquire the credits required for their professional developments.

We consider this meeting will create a very important opportunity for those international participants that could not attend some of this kind of meetings due to the geographical distance, the highness of the registration fees and accommodation costs or visa implementations. Turkey, as being accessible for many countries within a couple of hours flight, having secure social life and being a country livable with reasonable expenditure would increase the desire for meeting participation.

Undoubtedly, one of the indispensible elements of the scientific meeting is the social program. For this purpose, the social programs blending the historical richness of capital Ankara, located in the heart of Turkey, and the trip programs for the touristic and historical regions of our country are planned prior to and after the meeting. Thus, our guests living the traditional hospitality of Turkey while both traveling and tasting the local flavors, will discern that they would gain unforgettable memories of the wonderful beauties hosted by the historical and touristic places.

Since the highest quality of the scientific program and the timing of the meeting are very suitable for a spring break, we consider this congress is a very appropriate opportunity for a travel to Turkey.

You may find the updates of the congress information on the website (www.ent2012.org) of the congress.

Hoping to make a high quality scientific meeting together with the socially enjoyable program, we are waiting for you to the congress to be held on 26-28 April, 2012 in Ankara.

Kapcsolódó dokumentumok: 1. Meghívó
Cikk értékelése Eddig 1 felhasználó értékelte a cikket.



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