
5th International Congress of World Voice Consortium

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is my great pleasure to inform you that the 5th International Congress of the WVC shall take place in the ancient city of Luxor, Egypt, in the period of October 27th to 31st, 2012.
The organizing Committee and I welcome you to this very important qutriennl/biennial forum in the fields of Vocology (voice disorders) and Laryngology. The Congress shall discuss all issues in the field, particularly the hot and controversial topics as well as topics of important learning outcome. The subjects shall be covered by a distinguished leading Faculty from all over the world. The program shall be presented in a wide variety of formats that fits each topic, including some well prepared workshops.
Please enjoy this unique event with the Kings and Queens of Ancient Egypt in the congress named, "Voice in the Valley of the Kings".

Kindly find in this website the relevant information regarding the call for papers with the guidelines for sending your scientific participation as abstracts, and later, for preparing your oral or poster presentations. Detailed information about the method registration, its fees and the means of payment are included.

The Congress Travel Agency has booked a wide variety for accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. The Agency shall be delighted to take your booking for the Hotel accommodation as well as the wide variety of attractive cultural tours in and around Luxor and to destinations all over Egypt.

Coming to Luxor, the Thebes of the Pharaohs, is not like coming to any place in the World. For this reason the Organizers of the Congress arranged for you a superb social cultural program in archeological sites that are opened exclusively for our Congress. No individual traveler or a small group have access to such locations. These events are carefully selected to present to you Luxor in its real glory. The date of the Congress was chosen to let you experience that glory in moonlight!

For your comfort we included in this website practical information under the heading ,"arriving to Luxor". This includes information regarding accessibility of Luxor and the weather situation during the Congress days, as well the days before and after during the highly recommended pre- and post-Congress tours. Similarly, information needed for preparing the formal steps of immigration and customs before arriving to Luxor are summarized. Kindly check also the information regarding the available of the "meet and assist" services on arrival to the Luxor International Airport.

Most welcome to The Nile Valley and Luxor the land of history, culture, peace, and hospitality.

M. Nasser Kotby
President of the Congress Organizing Committee


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Kedves Doktornő! Kedves Doktor Úr!

Figyelmébe ajánljuk az „Utazás a fej-nyaki daganatok világában” című 5 részből álló podcast-sorozatunkat!

Meghívott vendégeink Dr. Dános Kornél moderálásával az orvostudomány legújabb vívmányait és érdekességeit tárják fel, mutatják be, különös tekintettel a fej-nyaki dagantok világára.
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