83rd Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
16th – 20th May 2012 (Mainz/Germany)
Dear colleagues,
with pleasure we would like to inform you, that the German Society of ORL HNS offers a Travelling Grant for young scientists, who want to attend as speakers at the above mentioned 83rd Annual Meeting. Please take the detailed conditions for application from the enclosed guidelines. The application form is available via our website www.hno.org/en also.
We would be thankful, if you could forward this information to interested colleagues in your society or publish it in your country or on your society website. The application form for financial support must be sent back to our contact-address not later than 31st October 2011. Because an active participation in the 83rd Annual Meeting is condition, we kindly ask to submit the abstracts (free lecture or poster) from 1st September – 31st October 2011 via our homepage www.hno.org/en; the application form could be sent back now.
We are looking forward to an active participation of young colleagues from your country! Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any further questions or if you need more information.
Best regards,
sincerely yours
Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Stasche
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