
British Society of Audiology e-Conference 2017


The British Society of Audiology have recently launched their inaugural e-Conference, which is taking place from 1st – 8th December 2017. This is the UK’s largest virtual Audiology Conference featuring over 20 of the world’s top speakers on all areas of Audiology.

We were wondering if you would consider circulating details of the e-conference to your membership, as this is a virtual conference with all presentations being available 24 hours a day it is perfect for those across the globe in different time zones.

I have listed details of the event below, information can also be found online at:

The UK’s largest virtual Audiology Conference
featuring over 20 of the world’s top speakers on all areas of Audiology

Access all talks from 
1 - 8 December 2017

No need to travel.
Join us from the comfort of your own computer!


Why wouldn't you

Global Brilliancy: A fantastic opportunity to learn from leaders in Audiology across the globe!

The Programme:
A complete programme, with speaker abstracts, will be uploaded to the BSA e-Conference webpage once available

  • How to become a Research Master: Sophie Newton
  • It’s not all about the cure! Manohar Bance
  • Generating research ideas in the clinical real world: David Baguley
  • The voice of a CI: Quality matches by single-sided deaf listeners fit with a CI: Michael Dorman
  • Cochlear implantation versus the CROS hearing aid for single-sided deafness in adults: Padraig Kitterick
  • Head Impulse, Nystagmus, Test of Skew (HINTS) in acute vertigo patients: Dan Gold
  • New Tools for Person Centred Care in Tinnitus: Cherilee Rutherford
  • Developing and using online 12-16 week support programs for clients with persistent dizziness/tinnitus: Joey Remenyi
  • Action on Hearing Loss as Part of Action on Dementia: Kathy Pichora-Fuller
  • New Directions in CAPD Assessment: Current NAL Research: Sharon Cameron
  • The evolving concept of (C)APD: Wayne Wilson
  • Audiology in the developing world: Using the EARS Inc. framework of S.T.O.R.E to determine whether an imperfect something better than nothing: Peter Bartlett
  • Hyperacusis: What you don’t know can hurt you (or your patient):  Bryan Pollard
  • Bare Essentials of Audiologic Management for Patients with Tinnitus: James Henry
  • Do good hearing rehabilitation outcomes come from good clients, good clinicians, or good devices? Harvey Dillon
  • Three is not a Crowd: Family-Centred Hearing Care: Louise Hickson
  • Clinical procedure to identify hidden hearing loss in humans: Jason Sanchez
  • Technology advances transforming the future of Audiology: Christine Yoshinaga Itano
  • Paediatric Audiology: Creating a context for brain development: Carol Flexer
  • Plus sessions from:  Adriana Zekveld, Sophia Kramer and Harvey Dillon

How does it work?

  • You can register from now, up until the 7th December.  Please note that there is a cheaper rate for those who register before the 30th September
  • On the 1st December, until midnight on the 8th December, all those who have registered will have unlimited access to over 20 pre-recorded sessions from some of the world’s top speakers
  • The talks will be available 24 hours a day,  so you can fit them in round your working week
  • There isn’t a limit to the number of times you can log in and listen to the sessions

Join us on Twitter @BSAudiology1  and use #BSAeConf, or connect with us on Facebook

British Society of Audiology, Blackburn House, Redhouse Road,
Seafield, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH47 7AQ

bsa@thebsa.org.uk | +44 0 118 966 0622

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Megjelent Dr. Reményi Ákos
"A hangprotézissel végzett
beszédrehabilitáció gyakorlati kérdései
című szakkönyve.
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Megjelent Hirschberg Andor professzor úr "Gyakorlati rinológia" című szakkönyve.
Évente számtalan szakkönyv jelenik meg világszerte ebben a témában, hazánkban azonban mindez ideig ilyen jellegű kiadvány
nem látott napvilágot.
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Katona Gábor és Hirschberg Jenő szerkesztésében a

Gyermek Fül-orr-gégészet

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Megjelent Hirschberg Jenő, Hacki Tamás,
Mészáros Krisztina szerkesztésében a


első és második kötete.
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