Rovatok: Hírek

Holistic expertise of neurootology 2017


9-11. November 2017. Holistic expertise of neurootology (International Teaching Course) Venue: Semmelweis University, Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, H-1083, Szigony u 36, Budapest, Hungary Registration fee: 150 Euro (residents, PhD students: 70 Euro). Deadline of registration: 30th September 2017. Deadline of payment: 15th October 2017.

Dear Colleagues,

Neurootology is a border-line problem of several specialties. Nowadays, when the patients’ number suffering from vertigo is increasing all over the world, the doctors who can deal with patients in correct way are missing. To make this situation better, the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society must be a mission to organize international teaching course in basic level for doctors of general practice and emergency care units, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and neurologists. The language of the course is English.

I invite every medical doctor to participate on an international teaching course in Budapest. The aim of this course is to increase the number of doctors who are interested in neurootology and have competence to deal with these patients.

Please, spread the information in your environment. It is a basic course for young otolaryngologists, neurologists, and general practitioners. I attach the invitation flyers and the program of the course.

Holistic expertise of neurootology
(International Teaching Course)

Date: 9-11. November 2017.

Semmelweis University,
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology,
H-1083, Szigony u 36, Budapest, Hungary

Registration is possible by e-mail to the contact: Dr. Agnes Szirmai associate professor, President of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society ( szirmai1@invitel.hu , szirmai.agnes@med.semmelweis-univ.hu)

Registration fee: 150 Euro (residents, PhD students: 70 Euro).
Deadline of registration: 30th September 2017.
Deadline of payment: 15th October 2017.

Payment of registration: Bank transfer: Bank Account data: Name of the bank: OTP Bank Nyrt., 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 16. Branch address: OTP BANK NYRT. BUDAPESTI RÉGIÓ XVIII. KERÜLETI FIÓK. 1118 BUDAPEST, ÜLLŐI ÚT 377. Account number: 11718000 – 21102217 IBAN: HU08 11718000-21102217-00000000 SWIFT code: OTPVHUHB

Accomodation must be booked individually

Hotels and apartments close to the SE Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology:

  • Hunguest Hotel Millennium***, Budapest, Üllői út 94-98 (2 metro station by M3),
  • Mercure Budapest Corona, Budapest, Kecskeméti u. 14, 1053 (2 metro station by M3),
  • 1089, Hotel City Inn**** Budapest, Futó u. 55, 1082 (walking distance 550 m),
  • Fraser Residence Budapest apartmanhotel****, 1082 Budapest, Nagytemplom u. 31 (walking distance 500 m)
  • Sun Resort Apartments***, Corvin Setany 04,1082,Budapest, Hungary ( walking distance 450 m)

Waiting for you in Budapest, 9-11th November

Dr. Ágnes Szirmai
Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society


Kapcsolódó dokumentumok: 1. PROGRAM
2. JELENTKEZÉSI LAP (Registration form)
Cikk értékelése Eddig 2 felhasználó értékelte a cikket.



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